Our people
At BIHR we are proud that our Trustees, Staff, and Lived Experience Experts bring wide and varied professional and lived experience to supporting our mission to achieve change through human rights.
Fundamentally human rights are about people, and at BIHR our people are one of our greatest strengths. No matter our role, we all share a deep commitment to bringing our Human Rights Act to life with people in their everyday lives and work to make positive social change together.
Our Trustees bring a range of expertise across charity governance and strategic financial management, human rights law and practice, parliamentary process, community development and engagement, fundraising and lived experience of marginalisation.

Chair of the Board
Imran Khan KC
Imran is one of the Founding members of Imran Khan and Partners, and is Head of the Criminal Defence, Actions Against the Police and Public Law Departments. He is well known for his representation of the family of Stephen Lawrence during the private prosecution, inquest, and public inquiry into Stephen’s murder. Imran was appointed Queen's Counsel in 2018 having been a Higher Rights Advocate for many years.
Chair of the Board
Imran Khan KC

Imran is one of the Founding members of Imran Khan and Partners, and is Head of the Criminal Defence, Actions Against the Police and Public Law Departments. He is well known for his representation of the family of Stephen Lawrence during the private prosecution, inquest, and public inquiry into Stephen’s murder. Imran was appointed Queen's Counsel in 2018 having been a Higher Rights Advocate for many years.

Treasurer and Trustee
Mark Hilton
Mark is an independent management consultant, specialising in strategy and operational development across the charity and public sectors. Mark has a BSc in International Relations and MScs in International Development Management and Charity Accounting and Financial Management.
Treasurer and Trustee
Mark Hilton

Mark is an independent management consultant, specialising in strategy and operational development across the charity and public sectors. Mark has a BSc in International Relations and MScs in International Development Management and Charity Accounting and Financial Management.

Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson
Tanni is a crossbench peer; appointed in 2010 her parliamentary work has a special focus on disabled people’s rights, welfare, access to justice, youth development and sports. She is well known for her success as a Paralympic athlete, winning 16 medals in 5 Paralympic Games. Retiring from competition in 2007, Tanni still plays an active role in the sports field through administration, commentary, and charitable activities.
Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson

Tanni is a crossbench peer; appointed in 2010 her parliamentary work has a special focus on disabled people’s rights, welfare, access to justice, youth development and sports. She is well known for her success as a Paralympic athlete, winning 16 medals in 5 Paralympic Games. Retiring from competition in 2007, Tanni still plays an active role in the sports field through administration, commentary, and charitable activities.

Edith Prak
Edith is the Director of Advancement for the University of Nottingham. Prior to this she was the Director of Development for The Elders. Her previous roles include Director of Development at the Open University and a Deputy Director of the Ashmolean Museum. Edith has had an extensive career in fundraising and international development. A Dutch national, Edith gained her Masters in Economics at the University of Amsterdam.
Edith Prak

Edith is the Director of Advancement for the University of Nottingham. Prior to this she was the Director of Development for The Elders. Her previous roles include Director of Development at the Open University and a Deputy Director of the Ashmolean Museum. Edith has had an extensive career in fundraising and international development. A Dutch national, Edith gained her Masters in Economics at the University of Amsterdam.

Joe Powell
Joe was appointed the National Director (now Chief Executive) of All Wales People First in 2012 as part of a nationwide recruitment campaign to appoint someone with lived experience of living in learning disability services to head the organisation. Prior to this Joe had lived in autism care services for eleven years and had to fight to get out of a system that defined him as being limited because of disability. With a more enlightened social model approach, he no longer needs support, has a job, his own house in the community and is a contributing tax-payer.
Joe Powell

Joe was appointed the National Director (now Chief Executive) of All Wales People First in 2012 as part of a nationwide recruitment campaign to appoint someone with lived experience of living in learning disability services to head the organisation. Prior to this Joe had lived in autism care services for eleven years and had to fight to get out of a system that defined him as being limited because of disability. With a more enlightened social model approach, he no longer needs support, has a job, his own house in the community and is a contributing tax-payer.

Stephen Pittam
Stephen Pittam retired as the Trust Secretary of the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust in 2012. Before joining JRCT, Stephen spent 10 years in local government in London focused on voluntary sector liaison and community development, having previously worked on community development in Ireland, Jordan and in the UK. Stephen is a Board member and advisor for several local, national and international rights-based initiatives.
Stephen Pittam

Stephen Pittam retired as the Trust Secretary of the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust in 2012. Before joining JRCT, Stephen spent 10 years in local government in London focused on voluntary sector liaison and community development, having previously worked on community development in Ireland, Jordan and in the UK. Stephen is a Board member and advisor for several local, national and international rights-based initiatives.
Staff Team
Our Staff team includes specialists in law, education, advocacy, community engagement and arts, casework and advice, policy, research, communications, and campaigns, in a range of areas related to people’s everyday experiences of rights including health and social care, addressing violence against women, immigration and asylum, special educational needs, welfare and housing. This sits alongside expertise in essential core organisational functions including operations and administration, management, finance, and governance.

Sanchita Hosali
Sanchita is a recognised expert in human rights and equality law, policy and practice, with over twenty years of working both in the UK and internationally.
Sanchita Hosali

Sanchita is a recognised expert in human rights and equality law, policy and practice, with over twenty years of working both in the UK and internationally.

Head of Policy & Programmes
Carlyn Miller
Carlyn is a human rights policy professional with over 10 years’ experience operationalising human rights in the commissioning, planning and delivery of public services across the UK.
Head of Policy & Programmes
Carlyn Miller

Carlyn is a human rights policy professional with over 10 years’ experience operationalising human rights in the commissioning, planning and delivery of public services across the UK.

Head of Operations
Phil Moore
Phil is a highly experienced general / operations management professional and is responsible at BIHR for all aspects of the charity’s financial and administrative management.
Head of Operations
Phil Moore

Phil is a highly experienced general / operations management professional and is responsible at BIHR for all aspects of the charity’s financial and administrative management.

Programmes & Policy Lead
Katrin McEntee
Katrin has a background in advocacy and support work. She has significant experience of working together with disabled people, older adults, and women who have experienced domestic violence.
Programmes & Policy Lead
Katrin McEntee

Katrin has a background in advocacy and support work. She has significant experience of working together with disabled people, older adults, and women who have experienced domestic violence.

Delivery Team Senior Manager
Emily Malcolm
Emily joined in September 2024 as the Delivery Team Senior Manager. Emily has 12+ years management experience in programmes with charities and the UN, working in the UK, Africa, Asia and Latin America.
Delivery Team Senior Manager
Emily Malcolm

Emily joined in September 2024 as the Delivery Team Senior Manager. Emily has 12+ years management experience in programmes with charities and the UN, working in the UK, Africa, Asia and Latin America.

Senior Human Rights Officer
Annie Smith
Annie is an experienced social worker, specialising in mental capacity practice and community mental health support and also leads on workshop delivery on NDTi's Community Led Support programme.
Senior Human Rights Officer
Annie Smith

Annie is an experienced social worker, specialising in mental capacity practice and community mental health support and also leads on workshop delivery on NDTi's Community Led Support programme.

Human Rights Officer
Jacob Charnick
Jacob has a background in human rights legal research and consultancy, and experience in the public sector through administering welfare benefits.
Human Rights Officer
Jacob Charnick

Jacob has a background in human rights legal research and consultancy, and experience in the public sector through administering welfare benefits.

Communications & Public Affairs Officer
Helen Walden
Helen has a professional background in both communications and casework as well as an academic background in Law.
Communications & Public Affairs Officer
Helen Walden

Helen has a professional background in both communications and casework as well as an academic background in Law.

Administration Officer
Valentina Carlet
Valentina has a background in Admin and Operations Management in both retail and service sector, and non-profit sector.
Administration Officer
Valentina Carlet

Valentina has a background in Admin and Operations Management in both retail and service sector, and non-profit sector.
Lived Experience Experts
Our Lived Experience Experts joined us primarily through our work to put human rights at the centre of children and young people's experiences of mental health inpatient services. They bring direct experience of children's services (and the transitions to adult services), whether in hospital or the community, either as young people themselves or as loved ones. They bring a wealth of experience and expertise to the co-development and delivery of a range of our programmes.

Lived Experience Expert
Charli Clement
Charli is an autistic and neuro-divergent person who was admitted to Inpatient CAMHS (Children's Mental Health Services) aged 15.
Lived Experience Expert
Charli Clement

Charli is an autistic and neuro-divergent person who was admitted to Inpatient CAMHS (Children's Mental Health Services) aged 15.

Lived Experience Expert
Hanna Gawron
Over the past 6 years I've had a lot of experience with both CAMHS and adult mental health services as both an inpatient and in the community
Lived Experience Expert
Hanna Gawron

Over the past 6 years I've had a lot of experience with both CAMHS and adult mental health services as both an inpatient and in the community

Lived Experience Expert
Kirsten Peebles
Kirsten is a single parent of an autistic son who, from the ages of 14-18, was held in mental health hospitals and subjected to restrictive practices.
Lived Experience Expert
Kirsten Peebles

Kirsten is a single parent of an autistic son who, from the ages of 14-18, was held in mental health hospitals and subjected to restrictive practices.
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