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Our Two-Part Programme

The Two-Part Programme is designed to build staff's capacity to embed human rights in their practice, creating positive long-term change for both staff and people accessing services.

Our CAMHS Programme

The CAMHS Inpatient Two-Part Programme was divided into Workshop A and Workshop B, with a total of 116 workshops delivered and 1441 participants. The sessions were open to all staff working in children’s and young people’s inpatient mental health settings.

Workshop A focused on setting the foundations of human rights law in the UK and highlighting key rights that may come up in practice. Workshop B went into greater depth on applying rights to real-life scenario and additional relevant rights.

Topics covered

Activities included:

  • Seclusion
  • Observation
  • Phone bans

The Results


attendees rated their knowledge about human rights law and duties at 4.1/5 afterwards versus 2.8/5 before


attendees rated the relevance of human rights law to their everyday work at 4.9/5 afterwards versus 4.5/5 before


attendees rated their confidence talking about upholding people's human rights in everyday decisions at 4.2/5 afterwards versus 3.4/5 before

Participants said...

Human Rights underpins everything we do in with regard to service provision and our engagement with those who may least be able to self-advocate regarding their Human Rights. BIHR bring the often neglected but vital topic of Human Rights to the fore.

Programme Participant

The training enables you to keep the rights of our vulnerable patients exactly where they should be: at the forefront of your mind.

Programme Participant

Learning about human rights should be a core and essential training module for those working with people, especially those in environments where there is the potential for those human rights to be affected. The training is fascinating, interesting, enlightening and necessary. You also don't need knowledge of legal frameworks or jargon, it's really accessible and well presented.

Programme Participant

“What one thing will you change after working with BIHR?”

Reviewing restrictions on the ward – check that these are lawful, legitimate and proportionate!

Programme Participant

Encourage staff to advocate not blame and to support one another around challenging issues around human rights.

Programme Participant

Empower junior members of the team by encouraging them to question decisions made by more senior members of the team and offering more training.

Programme Participant

This programme was co-produced with Lived Experience Experts.

82% of two-part programme participants said having a Lived Experience Expert on the workshop helped them think about rights-respecting changes to current practice. One participant said, "it's just a brilliant reminder that the young people are not just passive individuals that we do care to, we need the expertise and insights of the young people so that we are held accountable for the training being offered and remember the very real impacts of how we care can have."

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