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Transforming Organisations

Scottish Recovery Consortium

From October 2023 to February 2024, BIHR ran a human rights leadership course for advocates working in lived experience recovery organisations across Scotland. It was developed and delivered in partnership with the Scottish Recovery Consortium to build on our 2022 human rights capacity-building programme.

In August 2024, we worked with SRC again to co-publish a guide called 'Using Human Rights in Recovery'.

How we designed the programme

The aim of this project is to advance awareness on rights-based addiction recovery in Scotland, reflecting the challenges that people in recovery face within the new national post-Covid-19 context and how the Human Rights Act can be used to advocate for better outcomes on a practical level.

The programme is fully co-designed in collaboration with the Scottish Recovery Consortium, based on a review of the 2022 programme and assessment of current requirements. The aim of of this co-delivery is to improve the knowledge and confidence of people with lived experience of addiction and recovery, and for them to be able to have an overview of human rights and related legislation, guidance and policy, and use this knowledge for practice-based change.

About the programme

This programme was run in several stages:

  • We conducted an initial full joint review of the similar programme co-delivered in 2022 with the Scottish Recovery Consortium to assess outcomes and impact, in order to co-design the 2023 programme to reflect the changes on a national level.

  • We co-developed and co-delivered a five-day human rights leadership course, delivered as two full days in person and six half days online. The programme ran from 12th October 2023 to 15th February 2024.

  • We undertook periodical debriefings and planning with Scottish Recovery Consortium before and after each session.

  • A comprehensive course handbook was published to all participants as a resource for their own reference.

The impact of the programme

Programme participant 2024

“An in-depth and very informative study into the rights of everyone, how they are upheld, and how we must fight to keep them.”

Programme participant 2024

“I would highly recommend this programme. It excited me to learn more about human rights and gave me the motivation to join in active group discussions. The empowerment I now feel in having the correct language and information to support and advocate not only for myself but my peers too. Thank you.”

Programme participant 2024

“I have learned a lot, very informative. It has boosted my confidence in claiming my own human rights and I plan to help other people gain the confidence to claim theirs.”

Programme participant 2022

"You MUST get on this, it has changed my outlook as a whole, educated me and enabled me to have the courage to share this with friends, family and colleagues. This should be accessible for everyone (can't express or sing this from the roof tops enough!)"

Programme participant 2022

"To have a knowledge and understanding of Human Rights is invaluable to anyone providing support either statutory, third sector or charitable."

Programme participant 2022

"I totally loved this course and feel it has improved my knowledge and practice."

The future of this programme

This programme has now come to an end. Since then, we have produced a report to highlight the impact this human rights support had on the participants, with hopes that it would have an indirect positive effect on recovery communities across Scotland.

To support more people to learn about the importance of human rights for people whose lives are affected by alcohol and drug use, SRC and BIHR have written a joint guide to share how the Human Rights Act can support people to know and claim their rights.

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