BIHR's Vlog
Watch BIHR's vlogs on our work to protect our Human Rights Act.

26th August 2022
Share Your MP's response
Our MPs are responsible for representing our views in Parliament, so it's really important that they hear our concerns about the Rights Removal Bill. Our Research & Communications Associate, Helen, talks about the response she got from her MP when she used BIHR's template letters.
16th August 2022
Our Guide for Public Bodies
We think it’s really important public body staff understand the Right Removal Bill and impact that will have for their organisations, the people they support and the staff within the organisation themselves. Our CEO Sanchita talks about our new guide for staff working in public bodies.

8th August 2022
Our Need-to-Know Guides
Over the past few weeks, we've been creating Need-to-Know Guides on our key concerns about the Rights Removal Bill. In this video, Katie shares what these guides are and why they are important.
29th July 2022
The RITES Committee
We're working with Lived Experience Experts to inform everything we do as we campaign to protect our Human Rights Act, and we will amplify their voices in our work with our four key groups: people, communities, public bodies, and policy-makers.

27th July 2022
Write to Your MP opposing the Rights Removal Bill
BIHR has been working to develop two new letter templates that you can use to write to your MP, to raise your concerns about the Rights Removal Bill. Lauren shares what the templates include and why they’re so important, and about writing to her own MP.
18th July 2022
Our Parliamentary work opposing the Rights Removal Bill
BIHR has been working to engage with MPs and Lords in Parliament to oppose the Rights Removal Bill and stand up for our Human Rights Act. In this video, Florence shares some of what we have been doing so far.

15th July 2022
Creating an Easy Read guide to the Rights Removal Bill
BIHR has been working on an Easy Read guide to the Rights Removal Bill with Pembrokeshire People First. In this video, Annie shares why we are making the guide, what it will cover, and how we are involving self-advocacy groups in its development.
30th June 2022
BIHR meet with the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights
On Thursday 30th June, Carlyn from BIHR met with the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights Dunja Mijatovic. In this video, Carlyn shares what we discussed with the Commissioner and what happened next.

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