Human Rights Day 2023: Small Places Close to Home
On the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 75+ organisations across the UK came together to speak up for human rights, exemplifying the United Nations' call for a "shared movement of humanity" while empowering people to claim their rights.
Open Letter to the Prime Minister
On this 75th anniversary of the UDHR, we've joined together with over 75 organisations to write to the Prime Minister and political leaders. Our joint letter echoes the United Nations' call to action and celebrates the Human Rights Act, the European Convention on Human Rights and what human rights mean to all of us, every day.
The letter says:
“This Human Rights Day, we celebrate having secured our Human Rights Act; we celebrate the UDHR. There is, however, much work to do in resisting the sustained attacks on universal human rights here at home. We are calling on all political leaders to reaffirm the commitment to universal human rights for all people, through both words and actions, nationally, in devolved nations, and in the small places close to home.”
The Easy Read Letter
We also worked with My Life My Choice to create an Easy Read version of the letter. My Life My Choice is a self-advocacy organisation for adults with a learning disability. They have been working with us as part of our Community Programme to co-design a human rights solution to social justice issues.
Advocates from learning disability groups across the UK, including Learning Disability England and the Scottish Commission for Learning Disability, then collaborated on a video version of the letter, which you can watch by clicking on the box to the left.
The UK Government's Response
Thank you for your letter of 8 December to the Prime Minister regarding Human Rights Day, and the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. I have been asked to reply as the Minister with responsibility for human rights policy.The anniversary of such an important statement of our rights is indeed something to celebrate, and I can confirm that the Government takes seriously its responsibility to stand up for human rights and uphold the commitment to universal human rights for all people.
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