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Community work

Together (Scottish Alliance for Children's Rights)

Together are an alliance of Scottish children's charities that works to improve the awareness, understanding and implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).

Together worked with Human Rights Officer Natalie to develop a clear and accessible tool to support their members with Children's Rights Impact Assessments. The tool will also be useful for duty bearers, and support a wider understanding of Impact Assessments.

What we made

A brief video explaining: 

  • what Child Rights (wellbeing) Impact Assessments (CRIA/CRWIA) are;
  • who should be undertaking them;
  • why they should be undertaken (even if there is not a legal duty to do so); and
  • how they should be done.

A simplified tool/template version of CRIA modelled around the FAIR framework which:

  • asks the same questions but in a streamlined way using plain language;
  • links throughout to relevant examples/resources;
  • provides a quick and easy form to fill in that asks the same things without the need to input lots of substantive legal text setting out details of each right; and
  • focusing be on capturing the impact of policies/decisions on children.

An easy-to-use resource highlighting which rights are at stake which: 

  • maps the rights in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child to the Articles in the Human Rights Act.

The impact of this guide

Sarah McDermott, Development Manager at Together

We are delighted to have worked with BIHR to produce a resource that supports people to consider the impact of decisions on children’s human rights. It has been so valuable to be able to bring together our respective knowledge and expertise in children's rights, human rights and how we communicate about them to support children’s rights to be respected, protected and fulfilled.

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