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Human Rights Day 2022 Letter

We invited organisations to join as signatories to our annual Human Rights Day letter to the Prime Minister.

The letter calls on the Prime Minister and political leaders to safeguard our human rights and democratic accountability here at home, by standing firm on the UK’s Human Rights Act.

Over 150 organisations signed up, representing the interests of millions of people across the UK and including those working with children, carers, people with learning disabilities and mental ill-health, women experiencing violence, migrants and older people; groups campaigning for LGBT rights, fair trials, access to justice, democratic accountability, decent housing and against racial discrimination; and traditional civil liberties and human rights NGOs and law firms.

The letter says:

“Human rights laws are, necessarily, uncomfortable for governments because they set limits on the exercise of power, limits which are for the benefit of people. No UK Government need fear this … they should embrace the fact that our Human Rights Act provides universal protections for everyone and ensures those with public power are accountable.”

Easy Read Letter

We also worked with Pembrokeshire People First to create an Easy Read letter to the Prime Minister. Pembrokeshire People First are an independent charity, run by and for adults with learning disabilities and/or autism. Two of the members, Sian and Lucy, are also members of our RITES Committee.

Advocates from the group then created a video version of the letter along with members from All Wales People First, Inclusion North and Learning Disability England

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